
1. Tenancy: Cent@Cube shall provide a business address rental service (“Tenancy“) at the address selected by the Tenant (“Premise Address“).

2. Service: As selected by Tenant.

3. Term: As selected by Tenant.

4. Use of the Premise Address: The Premise Address shall be used solely for corporate/business purposes and shall not be used for any illegal or personal purposes. If used for business registration, this Tenancy shall be valid for one (1) business entity only. Any other uses not agreed upon herein are prohibited unless prior written approval from Cent@Cube is obtained.

5. Trade License: If the Premise Address is used for the application of a trading license under the Sarawak Trade Licensing, Professions and Business Ordinance (Chapter 33) (“Ordinance”), the Tenant shall renew this Tenancy prior to the renewal of the said trading license. If this Tenancy is not renewed but the Tenant renews his / her / their trade license with Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri or the respective Local Authority / Registrar / Collector (as defined under the Ordinance) using the Premise Address, the Tenant shall be deemed to incur debt in the form of rental to Cent@Cube based on the number of months the Premise Address is used for the said renewal.

6. Registration of Business: If the Premise Address is used as a business address for any business (sole proprietorship, partnership or company), club, association, or any other entities, the Tenant shall continue to renew this Tenancy as long as the Premise Address is used by such entity as a business address. Failing to do so, the Tenant shall be deemed to incur debt in the form of rental to Cent@Cube based on the number of months the Premise Address is used after the expiry of this Tenancy.

7. Fee: The Tenant shall pay the total rental for the Tenancy in advance (“Fee”). The Fee excludes sales and services tax (SST), stamp duty and stamping service fee.

8. Personal Data: The Tenant acknowledges, agrees, and consents that his or her personal data may be processed by and/or made accessible to the employees and/or agents of Cent@Cube for the purposes of providing the Tenancy. If the Tenant is a business entity, the Tenant shall obtain consent from any individual whose personal data is disclosed to Cent@Cube by the Tenant for the purposes of the Tenancy.

9. Assignment: The Tenant shall not at any time assign and/or sub-let the Tenancy to any other party.

10. Law: This Tenancy shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia.

Refund & Termination Policy

11. Termination: In the event that Cent@Cube is no longer able to provide the Tenancy, Cent@Cube shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days’ notice to the Tenant.

12. Refund: All payments made for any services and purchases are non-refundable.